>Memory Usage on Intrepid

>Just on Boot (livecds), Comparing to Previous Releases

7.10 8.04.1 8.10 9/30
32 bit 146 154.1 162.5
64 bit 212.9 237.6 238.4

Top 4 Applications on boot and their memory usage 32 vs 64 bit (8.10 9/30)
Top 4 (Initial Boot) 32 64
nautilus 17.7 22.9
Gnome-system-monitor 7.7 10.9
Gnome-panel 7.2 10.1
python 5.5 9

Some Common Applications and their memory usage 32 vs 64 bit (8.10 9/30)

32 64
Firefox 22.7 34.7
Gimp 18.3 27.1
OOWriter (.bin) 17.6 24.1
Totem 12.6 15.6
Rhythmbox 15.6 23.8
Total (of those apps) 118.8 189.3

All numbers from gnome-system-monitor. Is there any project to track Ubuntu (and it's applications) memory usage/performace over releases? Any interest in creating one?